M. K. Theodoratus, Fantasy Writer, blogs about the books she reads--mostly fantasy and mystery authors whose books catch her eye and keep her interest. Nothing so formal as a book review, just chats about what she liked. Theodoratus also mutters about her own writing progress or ... lack of it.


Monday, April 28, 2014

A Day Late, and More Than a Blog Review Short

Was so busy with stupid marketing and social media this weekend, I didn't finish either of the two books I'm reading. [How much I read depends on my mood and how tired I feel ... so I'm a review short.] Decided to dig under the pile of debris for something to review. Maybe I'll kill two reviews with one avalache?

Sandi Ault's mystery, Wild Indigo, has been festering on my desk, out of sight, for .... maybe .... a year???? I grabbed it because I remembered the main character and some of her dilemmas -- especially being a "white-eyes" being accepted by Native Americans, in this case one of the Pueblo groups. I think a New York Times article about AIM, Pine Ridge, and a murder also supplied a little motivation.

Anyway, a suspicion that a tribal death isn't an accident nags at BLM agent Jamaica Wild, a blond who finds hiding among an Indian population difficult. She has the misfortune to witness the death. She's warned off investigating by the tribal leaders who prefer suicide rather than murder as an explanation. Wild persists in her investigations ... and is suspended from her job and is in danger of losing it. After a wonderful chase, mystery is solved. I don't think it's a spoiler to say that Wild's suspicions were true.

After shifting through the pages to check my memory, I give Wild Indigo 5***** Hey, Ault deserved it if I can remember as much about the book as I do. I'm thinking I should reread it ... but that'd delay reviews of the other two books more.


Have I been writing? ... I can't think of writing anything new. Did finish the draft of The Ignoble Nobel Prize Winner to send to the beta readers.

Did get a nice review of The Ghost in the Closet: "The Ghost in the Closet is a fresh approach to the classic ghost story, with a touch of urban fantasy."... Ghost is still free on Smashwords and Nook for a few days.

It's a three star review because they wanted more info about my characters, but I don't think 3-star reviews are bad.


Margo Berendsen said...

I haven't visited in a while, and keen to see two new projects... fascinating titles both. Wild Indigo intrigues me too, I'm on a Native American reading kick right now

Patricia Stoltey said...

I like Sandi's series but I'm a couple of books behind. And with all the books on my TBR list, would you believe I just bought three more. I'm hopeless.

Unknown said...

Margo ... thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I drop by your blog but always am rushed.

I don't know how realistic Ault's books are of Native Pueblo life .. but her books are always good reads. She's also a great speaker at writers' conferences.

Unknown said...

Pat, my to-read pile is an embarrassment. Last time I looked, I found a couple books I bought three years ago. I'm thinking they're ready for the trade-pile.

Yeah, I still buy books too.