M. K. Theodoratus, Fantasy Writer, blogs about the books she reads--mostly fantasy and mystery authors whose books catch her eye and keep her interest. Nothing so formal as a book review, just chats about what she liked. Theodoratus also mutters about her own writing progress or ... lack of it.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pssst! Want the Secret to Writing Success?

Now that I have your attention, Chuck Sambuchino does indeed offer the four keys to the kingdom of writing success. There's one caveat, I think. You must have a finished story to work on. I think these tips will help you revise your stories structure. Of course he talks about middle grade fiction. But, a good story is a good story is a good story.

Of course, all this comes with a disclaimer. If you checked the link above, you'll note that he lists a number of craft skills a writer must master. That's why writing is hard, time consuming work ... once you want to be published ... even if you publish yourself. Go back to Mac's guest post and count how many ways/times he edits.

If you need more detailed instructions for getting your story going, Margo Berendsen has an awesome list on getting started and keeping a reader reading. A real nice compilation of 17 tips to check for your revision. Berendsen has some other useful lists in her archives if you want to hone your craft skills.

After you've revised your story into a galloping read, you have to draw a reader's attention to it. That means you need a good cover -- even for ebooks, maybe especially for ebooks. What's a good cover? Here's a link to Yasmine Galenorn's blog where she reveals the new cover of her latest Otherworld novel, Haunted Moon-- I dare you not to pick up this book and not read the blurb, if you're a fantasy reader. Note how easy it is to read the copy on the cover.

Last but not least, if your cover is attention getting, you have to publicize your book -- because chances are you won't have a publicity department with deep pockets behind you. Katie Salidas in her 4 July 2012 blog at Written in Blood, gives writers some criteria to judge blog tour services. You better believe I printed Let's Talk About Blog Tours out for future reference.


So, after I given all that advice, I can just hear you asking how my own writing's going. Slow but sure. I seem to be getting my grove back ... in that my to-do list gets crossed off into oblivion until the next day. The secret to that? 

I'm getting better at writing things before doing social media things.
Where are your priorities?

PS: Maybe some of you clicked an empty blog with a similar title. This blog gives you the content. 


Unknown said...

"That's why writing is hard, time consuming work ..."


Unknown said...

And, I'm off to perform what I consider the most onerous chore connected with writing. Putting twits on Twitter.

Margo Berendsen said...

Oh thank you for the mention! And you are right, those Otherworld series covers are impressive, and easy to read (except for the short line between the author's first and last name, that threw my off). I've been indulging in some WONDERFUL fantasies lately, the Iron Fey series and the Blue Sword by Robin McKinley. And while walking this morning (finally, a smoke free morning!) I got some great ideas for one of my books.

Unknown said...

Ahhh ... Robin McKinley, one of the masters. Shall we turn green together?

Glad you were smoke free. We're hoping the rain will clear our air without too much flooding in the Poudre Canyon.