M. K. Theodoratus, Fantasy Writer, blogs about the books she reads--mostly fantasy and mystery authors whose books catch her eye and keep her interest. Nothing so formal as a book review, just chats about what she liked. Theodoratus also mutters about her own writing progress or ... lack of it.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Surviving Undead Vampires and Goons

Calling All Vampires:
The Folklore Society (London, GB) is holding a two-day conference
on Death in Legend and Tradition.
Anyone, including vampires, who is interested in death is invited to attend.
[I should mention: Vampires might beware of undertakers (bearing wooden stakes?)
who were also invited to attend.]

Vampires may be taking over the world.  The New York Times (2 June 2010)  tells of a college professor being stalked by film makers.  Justin Cronin, a literary author, wrote a vampire novel called The Passage and has both publishers and film makers drooling.

What the Julie Bosman in New York Times said:  "Justin Cronin is the author of an epic, multimillion-dollar, 766-page novel that stars blood thirsty creatures that run in packs and savagely kill people at night.  And, he's planning to turn it into a trilogy."  --  If you're looking for subtle clues to the book-selling market, I think you might say the paranormal sub-genre is alive and well.  Series too.

The Book Review ...
Got sidetracked reading Sean Broderick's  The Ultimate Suburban Survivalist Guide: The Smartest Money Moves to Prepare for Any Crisis, a rather sensible book on being prepared collapses in our eco-system, economy, and society.

Now, I must admit I'm a "survivalist".  No, I won't defend my case of canned spaghetti with my uzi.  [Or, should that be a M-16?]  Maybe I'm a survivalist-lite.  I'm not up to my ears in debt.  I don't buy things if I don't need (not want) them -- unless maybe something like butter pecan ice cream if I have money in my pocket.  I do stock a couple weeks supply of staples, including water and medicine.  We still grow a garden and preserve food.  --  It was the way me and the old man were raised.

Other than chasing coupons for manufactured foods and thinking about evacuation, us urban peasants have been living the survivalist life-style since we were kids.  --  Yeah, I know it's hard saying no when raising kids, but our kids grew up thinking we were poor.

As a writer, the book might give you some ideas on writing about apocalyptic themes.

Web Stuff ...
Even though I'm trying to limit the time I spend on the web, I keep finding need stuff to print out and put in my research binders.  Today, I recommend Chris Brogan's blog on using social media to promote your book.  Thanks to a tip from Writer Beware, where you can find out all sorts of interesting publishing information -- especially about people who try to rip you off.  Back to using Brogan's info:

If you are Published:  double check to see if you've covered all the bases.

Unpublished?  double check to see if have set a platform to jump from when someone accepts your  manuscript.

Web Stuff
isn't only business.  It can be fun too.  Clarissa Draper gave me a "Sugar Doll" award which threatened my identity, but my fellow recipients have some interesting things to say.  You might go an visit.  If you do, you'll be awarded with a paranormal Jane Austin pastiche.  --  The perspective lady must be chuckling in her grave.

Progress ...
Dipped a toe in Voices, basically revisions.  I had some notes from a critique group on the first chapter ... which left me shaking my hand.  I didn't do an info-dump and they guessed the time period was after World War II ... but they weren't sure.  So, I have to stare at chapter 1 again.  --

Otherwise, revised the last chapter I finished and drafted an ending on the road-block chapter (12).  Only five more chapters to go. [???????]  Maybe I might have a draft finished before we leave for California.

Trivia ...
It's finally feeling like summer in the back yard ... so yesterday I did my annual release of the ladybugs.  Unfortunately, about a half were dead in the package.  Grumble.  Grumble.

Oh, the tree peonies are in full bloom, over a 100 feet of multicolored blossoms.  After we rescued my dad's tree peonies when they left the house, my old man decided he liked them ... and went out to buy every color they came in.

Goodbye for now, and don't let the vampires bite.


Margo Berendsen said...

Can you cram any more info into one post? Smile. I had to look up some reviews on the Passage and found it interesting that it's compared to the Stand, the only Stephen King novel I really liked. Intriguing.

Do you have any novels in the works pertaining to survival, suburban or otherwise? Because your voice in this post was off-beat charming.

You simply MUST tell more about the ladybugs.

Lexie M said...

I can't even imagine, Kay, how beautiful 100 feet of tree peonies must be. When I moved from Colorado to Iowa, I took a cutting from one of the 3 bushes of peonies I had. First time I've ever taken a cutting from the old house to the new. Hopefully, it will survive.

I'm fascinated with the ladybugs too. Sorry to hear so many of them didn't make it. That had to be frustrating.

Unknown said...

Ladybugs. I've been releasing ladybugs since we moved to the current house. Sort of around Memorial Day, when I'm fairly sure the cold weather is over, I buy a batch ... and release them in the back yard.

I rather enjoy poking around the flowers through the summer ... and discovering a ladybug doing its thing. (We have praying mantises too.)